Thursday, January 24, 2013

Last Day Reflections

What did you learn about photography that you did not know before?

I learned a lot this semester in photography. My interest in photography started in the summer of 2012 when my family went on a trip to Europe, there I picked up my dads camera and started taking photos. Over the course of the summer I continued taking pictures but I was mostly just guessing how to do photography. That inspired me to take a photography class. This class has greatly improved my photography. I now know how to effectively use photoshop. I learned about the rule of thirds and the importance of good lighting. I used to let my camera pick the settings but now I always use manual exposure. In fact my new camera I got at the begging of this year is only 500 pictures away from taking its tenth thousandth picture. Overall I really thought this class was very beneficial and it taught me the beginning of how to do film which I though was pretty cool.

What did you learn about yourself this semester?
I learned that if I put effort into something then I can really gain a lot of knowledge. When I look back at when I first started taking pictures and then I look at my current ones I can really tell a difference between. When I put time into something I can really improve.

What did you wish we had done that we did not.
I think that this class was really well rounded. It exposed me to many different types of photography. But the one thing I wished we had tried more of would probably be photographing the stars. Lately i have been trying to photograph star trails and meteor showers but often times it turns out bad and I always never catch meteors. In fact one time I was photographing the stars at my cabin. I had the camera on a 3 second timer and suddenly the sky exploded with light and my sister in astronomy class said we had seen a rare fire ball meteor(most people never see one in their life). Unfortunately my camera didn't capture it mostly because I had no idea what I was doing. Overall I wish we had spent at least one day talking about how to do it.

What was your struggle?
My biggest struggle was film, wether it was film paper or film from a camera. It was really hard and I never really caught on how to do it. Digital is definitely my thing but I'm really happy we got to try film because I thought it was really cool.

What did you conquer?
I would say that I conquered almost every extra thing you gave us to do. I tried doing the camera obscura and I was able to get a successful picture about the fifth time around. When ever you gave us links to how to's I would read them and give it a try. Overall I had a really great time in this class and learned a lot about photography which I will continue to use in the years to come.

Photos I took last weekend.
 My dog's eye
 My eye
 My cat's eye
My sisters eye
 The view from my new house
 The creek we own

 The view from the top of our hill. Located on the columbia looking onto the Oregon side

 Ice on my deck

found this little guy on the wall

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Light project!

 Swift Reservoir

These were all taken at Mount Saint Helens.
I observed a lot in this project. I observed all of the different types of lights and how they can change the subject. I discovered the usefulness of using the sun to my advantage. During these photo I had a hard time trying to figure out how to get the light on the side of the object. Getting side light with the sun is hard unless it is sunset or sunrise. This project taught me a great deal about the different types of light. I will continue to experiment with every type of light until I can easily identify how to correctly use all the different types. Overall I really enjoyed this project.

Monday, December 10, 2012